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17.11.2022 23:55:38  Artikel 15020 mal gelesen
Anzeige gegen Swissmedic und impfende Ärzte - Sechs Impfgeschädigte verklagen Swissmedic 

Medienkonferenz zur Strafanzeige

Mit einer Schar hochkarätiger Referenten präsentierten die Rechtsanwälte Philipp Kruse und Markus Zollinger im Zuge einer Pressekonferenz in Zürich eine Strafanzeige gegen Swissmedic, die Zulassungsbehörde für Arzneimittel in der Confoederatio Helvetica. Swissmedic werden unter anderem schwere und dauerhafte Verletzungen der Sorgfaltspflichten im Zusammenhang mit der Zulassung von mRNA-Impfstoffen vorgeworfen. Die Zulassung sei illegal erfolgt, die Bevölkerung bezüglich Nutzen und Risiko der Injektionen hinters Licht geführt worden.



Durch Injektionen Geschädigte


Warum die Ärzteschaft in der Schweiz Impfungen, egal ob Influenza oder andere, niemals kritisch hinterfragen und sich nicht bewusst sind und auch nicht im Besitz dieses Wissens sind, dass das menschliche Immunsystem immer schon mit Viren bestens zurecht kam und diese bekämpfen konnte, ist ein Armutszeugnis!

Virologie wird beim Studium in den ersten Semester an den Universitäten gelehrt. Jeder Arzt, egal ob Hausarzt, Chirurg, Gastroentereologe oder anderer Fachrichtung hätte die Pflicht, sich zumindest die wichtigsten Grundlagen Virologie und molekulare Visologie anzueignen! Kein einziger der Ärzte, egal in welcher Abteilung, hat auch nur ansatzweise eine Ahnung, was sich in den als Impfungen angepriesenen Biowaffen befinden, welche Substanzen zum Einsatz kommen. Welche Schäden Lipid Nanopartikel und die CRISPR Technologie im menschlichen Körper anrichten.

Eine Schande für Schweizer Ärzte, dass nur eine geringe Anzahl wissen, welche Schäden die mRNA Injektionen anrichten

Bundesrat Berset lügte mehrmals öffentlich bei TV-Auftritten und Pressemitteilungen, zusammen mit dem BAG und der Task Force!

Bestehen auch bei diesen Exponenten Beziehungen zum WEF und deren Entvölkerungs- und Great Reset Plan?

Wenn Staatsanwälte, Anwälte mit sehendem Auge zusehen, wie selbst eigene Verwandte durch diese Biowaffe entweder massiv gesundheitlich geschädigt werden oder bereits wurden und deren Lebenserwartung drastisch reduziert wurde! Wenn diese für das Recht zuständige Instanzen aus Unwissenheit, Bequemlichkeit und Wohlstandsverblödung es hinnehmen, dass Ihre eigenen Familienmitglieder und die anderer Familien tragische Schicksale erleiden müssen, dann sind diese sich duckende Rechtsstellen keinen dreck besser als diejenigen, die diese Giftspritzen ohne ausreichende Studien eingeführt und zugelassen hatten!

Das unsägliche Leid an den Opfern und den Angehörigen übertrifft den 1918 als spanische Grippe vertuschte Massenmorde bei weitem. Mein Vertrauen in die Ärzte ist mit diesem Mitläufertum, den immer noch anhaltenden PCR-Tests (obwohl die genau wissen, dass der PCR-Test untauglich ist) und der Maskenpflicht in den Spitälern aufs gröbste angeschlagen. Wissen die überhaupt ganz allgemein, was sie da tun?

Was die PCR-Tests anbelangt, hatten wir in diversen Beiträgen die Untauglichkeit und den Missbrauch durch die Ärzte aufgezeigt. Der PCR-Test ist nicht in der Lage, einen Nachweis einer Erkrankung zu erbringen, schon gar nicht das angebliche Vorhandensein eines bestimmten Virus. Grund dafür ist, dass der Virus zum Zeitpunkt der Einführung des PCR-Tests noch überhaupt nicht nach Koch'schen Vorgaben isoliert und gereinigt wurde! Alle Informationen über den PCR-Test wurden durch den Erfinder Dr. Ropert Malone und dem verstorbenen Mullis öffentlich ausführlich dokumentiert. Wir hatten hier bei Centil ebenfalls mehrfach mit Quellenangaben informiert. Man muss auch die Frage stellen, ob Spitalleitungen durch WEF, oder Bill Gates korrumpiert wurden, um die Folter mit der Maske und den Massenmord mit Injektionen aufrecht zu erhalten und sich dumm zu stellen?



What history tells us about the "Spanish flu" of 1918

In the book "Vaccination Condemned" by Eleanor McBean, PhD, N.D., the author details her personal and family experiences during the 1918 "Spanish Flu" pandemic.

McBean's coverage of the 1918 "Spanish Flu" as a reporter and unvaccinated survivor makes it necessary to reconsider the historical underpinnings of the event, not as a "conspiracy theory," but with evidence that "makes your hair stand on end."

A few years ago, I came across another book by Eleanor McBean, "Vaccination...The Silent Killer." McBean provides evidence that not only were the historical events of the 1918 "Spanish Flu" falsified, but also those of the polio and swine flu epidemics.

The Spanish scapegoat


  • World War I ended earlier than expected, leaving huge quantities of unused experimental vaccines.
  • The U.S. government, fearing that returning soldiers would infect their families with disease, launched the largest vaccine "scare" campaign in history. It used the human population as a research and development laboratory to test experimental vaccines in the field.
  • tens of millions of civilians died in the same way as soldiers.
  • instead of stopping the vaccines, doctors stepped it up and called it the great "Spanish Flu of 1918". The result was that ONLY the vaccinated died.

During World War I, U.S. soldiers were given 14 to 25 untested, experimental vaccines in a matter of days, resulting in an increased incidence of ALL diseases at once. Doctors spoke of a new disease and tried to suppress symptoms with additional drugs or vaccines.


Deception and secrecy have a long history

In the examples I gave in my previous blog, "COVID 19: Another Chapter in the History of Deception and Secrecy," history is replete with deliberate lies told to the public either to "save face" or to deceive for nefarious purposes. The "Spanish flu" of 1918 was no exception.

Spanish flu came from the USA

The Spanish flu, which claimed up to 50 million lives from 1918 to 1920, originally had little to do with Spain. The epidemic began in Haskell County in the U.S. state of Kansas in early 1918. It got its "Spanish name" for political reasons, so to speak: Because of press censorship in the belligerent states such as the USA, hardly anything was reported there about the swelling wave of influenza.

The situation was different in Spain, which was not involved in the First World War. When every third inhabitant of Madrid had already fallen ill in May 1918, the Spanish press reported on the epidemic without censorship - and earned their country the name of epidemic, although the catastrophe had begun in the USA. This is also where most of the eyewitness accounts come from.

Report of an eyewitness: Only vaccinated people fell ill

Among the authentic reports from that time, "Vaccination Condemned" by Eleanora McBean (in revised translation by Hans Tolzin) is the most cited. Here are some excerpts:

"All the doctors and people who were alive at the time of the Spanish flu in 1918 said it was the most terrible disease the world had ever seen. Strong men who appeared healthy and spry one day were dead the next." Strikingly, the Spanish flu had the characteristics of the very diseases against which these people had been vaccinated immediately after World War 1 (plague, typhoid, pneumonia, smallpox). Virtually the entire population had been contaminated with toxic vaccines. The administration of toxic drugs virtually "kept the pandemic alive."

As far as is known, only vaccinated people fell ill with the Spanish flu. Those who refused the injections escaped the flu. So did eyewitness Eleanora McBean:

"My family had refused all vaccinations, so we stayed well the whole time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others that you can't contaminate the body with poisons without causing illness. At the height of the epidemic, all stores, schools, businesses, and even the hospital were closed - even doctors and nurses had been vaccinated and were down with flu. It was like a ghost town. We seemed to be the only family without flu - we were not vaccinated! So my parents went from house to house to take care of the sick. (...) But they didn't get the flu, and they didn't bring home microbes that attacked us kids. No one from our family had the flu. It was claimed that the epidemic killed 20 million people worldwide in 1918. But in reality, doctors killed them with their crude treatments and medications. That charge is harsh but accurate - and it's borne out by the success of naturopathic doctors."

And further:

"While mainstream doctors saw one-third of their flu cases die, naturopathic hospitals achieved cure rates of nearly 100 percent."


Spanish flu was caused by mass vaccination

Eleanora McBean's report is, of course, contrary to the official hypothesis that a mutated influenza virus caused the Spanish flu. However, she is not the only source to suggest that the pandemic was actually caused by mass vaccination.

Ingri Cassel, Director of Vaccination Liberation in Spirit Lake / USA, refers in July 2003 in an article for the "Idaho Observer" to the contemporary report of a Dr. Rosenow, Sanitary Inspector of the US Army. He reported 31,106 hospitalized cases of "pulmonary tuberculosis" with 1,114 deaths during U.S. participation in World War I. Army physicians at the time were probably unable to distinguish between "pulmonary tuberculosis," vaccine sequelae, and Spanish flu.

"More deaths from vaccination than from enemy guns".

Patric J. Carroll, writing in the Irish Examiner, cites a report by U.S. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson that confirmed the fatal consequences of yellow fever vaccinations in 63 cases. In all, recruits were given between 14 and 25 vaccinations. Army records indicated that all inoculated diseases had increased at an alarming rate after compulsory vaccination began in 1917. After the U.S. entered World War I, he said, the death rate from typhoid vaccination rose to its highest level in U.S. Army history.

During World War I, there was a common saying in the U.S. that more soldiers were killed by vaccination than by enemy guns. This statement came from Dr. H. M. Shelton, author of "Vaccines and Serum Evils." According to General Goodwin, the British army had recorded 7,423 cases of typhoid fever. In the French Army, he said, there had been 113,165 cases by October 1916. Typhoid vaccination had been compulsory in both countries.

Highest death rate among vaccinated soldiers

Cassel quotes yet another author, Anne Riley Hale in 1935:

"As everyone knows, the world has never seen such an orgy of vaccination of all kinds as that among the soldiers of the (First) World War."

This author also notes that it was among the "pied men of the nation" that the highest death rate from tuberculosis occurred.

What happens today is hardly any different from what happened then.

Telegram channel operators collect reports of the serious bodily injuries caused by the injections, up to murdered citizens. Below are the Telegram links.
